Install Openhab
Just do it..
Allow Openhab to access Serial Devices by Adding 'openhab' to the Dialout Group
sudo vi /etc/group dialout:x:20:openhab
Install Z Wave Bindings
PaperUI > Add Ons > Bindings > Z-wave Binding > install
Once the Binding is installed, add the Z-wave binding as a Thing and verify that the serial port is correct. If the serial port is missing or will not be accepted, make sure you added openhab to the dialup group in the previous step.
Add Items
- Within PaperUI, Things should begin showing up in the Inbox.
- Add each thing using the naming convention : Location_Type_Target (ie. LivingRoom_Dimmer_AccentLights)
- Click each thing and add the appropriate items for each channel